I’ve been digging in to Wikileaks a bit lately, being an Australian and a former Assange fan (which came to an abrupt end following his comments about 9/11). People forget that he first came to the attention of the media on serious and multiple hacking charges, facing many years in jail. He got off with a fine. So I suspect, in hindsight, it’s at this point he became an asset and has been ever since. Another interesting thing I discovered is that his hacker name was Mendax, meaning liar or storyteller in Latin. Quite telling really. A comment I’ve made a few times on social media is that ‘Assange is so establishment he puts the establishment to shame’. Even following a few of the links on his Wikipedia entry reveals explicit connections to the UK ‘elite’ … he’s not hiding it. Just that so many are blinded by the ‘anti-establishment hero’ narrative generated by the mainstream media. I do have concerns about his role, now he’s back in Australia. Is his mission over or is he here for some nefarious purpose? Time will tell, I guess.

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Mathew Crawford makes some interesting connections here- part 1. Is Good too.


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Haha I just started following his Substack yesterday 😊

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I was surprised to see Assange at his release in such a good shape after spending more than five years in solitary confinement in U.K.’s Bastille. Also the circumstances of his sudden release (probably the result of difficult negotiations between UK and US spy agencies) and that an anonymous donor (Soros?} paid for his private jet trip from the UK to Australia, mystified me. I’m grateful to Richard reminding me of Assange’s involvement in the Kenyan “colour revolution” and his likely links to UK’s Deep State.

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Not surprising--the Brits and Aussies work hand in glove to restore the "glory" of the Auld Empire. They were both involved in Russiagate. Fun fact about Kenya--despite British and Australian meddling, they actually had better Internet speeds than Australia as of a few years ago. This deeply shamed Oz.

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I’m sure Assange continues to be somebody’s tool (if not asset) to this day. Great reading. Thank you for continuing to expose the facts.

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I vaguely remember watching this on Glenn Beck all those years ago. But I hadn't joined the dots between Assange and Soros. Perhaps this is one of the reasons he wasn't pardoned by Trump? It is always astounding to see how far the tentacles of the Soros funded organizations reach. I remember Glenn Beck had one of those old computer printout rolls stretching up and down the rafters of his studio listing the names of the groups/organizations/NGOs/charities funded wholly or in part by Soros. Thank you for this article, its something that Assange worshippers need to read.

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Most journalists are intelligence assets of one kind or another. Thanks for your excellent investigative reporting on this one. I lived in Kenya from 2011 to 2015. All the parties in that government are thugs and thieves. Any Kenyan can tell you that.

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Good Lord... The Further I get down teh Rabbit Hole, The More Holes & secret holes I find..... A MATRIX of Holes!!! Great find

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All rabbit holes lead to the City of London.

A simple decoder ring to understand the great game of geopolitics:

Oligarchism/Globalism Vs. Republicanism/Nationalism

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Yep... I guess so ... easy formulae though some of the present day Republicans, are far from Nationalists ( & BOTH main parties in UK are Globalistss! )

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The U.S. Republican Party is divided between America First MAGA Patriots and RINO Establishment Internationalists.

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Thank you... I'm in England & didn't quite know what exactly RINO was other than OLD! I watched an hour long interview with Steve Bannon yesteday & he was really excellent in explaining what Really the MAGA movement was/is....

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RINO = Republican In Name Only

The RINOs are globalist fascist banksters and international industrialists.

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All The Gangsters We want then to be Banished...

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Interesting article Richard, I have never heard of this until now. Btw: I have bought your Book & it’s a Great Read. Question: Will you be doing any Book Signings in New York City?

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Hi Richard can you please do a series on the British and the sub nationalism that they created in India. I can off the top of my head name Khalistan, Dravidianism and the caste system which they implement ruthlessly( it’s used to be called jati varna , the word caste comes from the Portuguese word casta) I posted this publicly because PMing isn’t available via Substack. I listened to your talk with tom luango and your words keep coming back where you said wherever you can see chaos you can see some British hand there. Sadly here we have anglicised historians and heterodox thinkers like you don’t get that much attention. Maybe a series on Arab nationalism to break the Turkish empire by creating Wahhabism.

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