No Meat for the Slaves: How to Survive the Coming Food Lockdown
BOOK REVIEW: The Eggs Benedict Option by Raw Egg Nationalist
For Poe’s exclusive Q&A with Raw Egg Nationalist, author of The Eggs Benedict Option, GO HERE
Elon Musk puzzled X users last week with a cryptic question.
“Grow food yourself?” he asked.
What did Elon mean by this? Why should we grow our own food? Does Elon know something we don’t?
Apparently he does. A large and growing subculture of social media dissidents have been warning for years that a food lockdown is coming—a choke-off of food supplies that will leave Americans starving.
The go-to source on the coming famine is Raw Egg Nationalist (REN for short). “I wrote an entire book about this…,” REN replied to Musk last week. “You should read it, Elon.”
REN’s latest book, The Eggs Benedict Option, warns of the coming food crisis and tells us how to survive it.
The food lockdown is a deliberate strategy to break America’s will, says REN, making us weak and timid at the very moment we need our strength most.
“The globalists want you to be fat, sick, depressed and isolated, the better to control and to milk you for as much economic value as they can before they kill you,” REN explained in a 2022 interview with Tucker Carlson.1
Some may find this over-dramatic. But REN goes a long way toward proving his point.
He offers practical solutions which you can start implementing now. Step one is change your diet. Step two is learn to grow your own food.
The Coming Food Crisis
Well-sourced and footnoted, this highly-readable volume warns that our elites may actually intend to kill us (or at least most of us), through a process of slow starvation.
The United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and other global policy-makers claim that strict food rationing is now necessary, in order to feed a population that will reach 10 billion by the year 2050.
However, REN argues that our leaders are hiding their true motives.
The forms of rationing now being proposed will not feed 10 billion people. Rather, they will reduce the population drastically, through slow starvation.
Perhaps that is the plan.
Under the new food guidelines, many will perish through malnutrition and related illnesses, says REN. Both the quantity and quality of available foods will plummet.
Noor Bin Ladin calls this “engineered scarcity.” In Noor’s excellent Foreword to The Eggs Benedict Option, she warns that corporate consolidation has left us “reliant on a handful of companies to feed ourselves,” all of whom seem complicit in the globalist scheme to shut off our access to healthy food.2
Slow Starvation
Simply put, we will have less food, in the hard days ahead.
Whatever food we do manage to get will be unfit for purpose, lacking vital nutrients, filled with toxins, and incapable of sustaining life as we know it.
Globalist NGOs are presently pushing the so-called “Planetary Health Diet,” which consists mostly of plant foods.
Meat, eggs, dairy and other high-value foods will be phased out, except for small amounts produced in tainted, genetically-engineered, lab-grown versions.
REN predicts that this meager diet will cause a massive sickening and die-off of the human race.
Whether this mass slaughter is the deliberate purpose of the Planetary Health Diet, “I’ll leave to you to decide,” says REN.3
The Great Reset
It’s all part of the “Great Reset,” the name given to the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution now overtaking mankind.
For reasons that have never been satisfactorily explained, an important goal of the Great Reset is to reduce our food intake, and to eliminate red meat from our diet.
These plans emanate primarily from the World Economic Forum (WEF), a supposedly “private” lobbying group based in Cologny, Switzerland, founded by German engineer Klaus Schwab.
But Schwab’s WEF is merely one node in a larger, global network of powerful, world-governing institutions, all pushing the same program of quote-unquote “sustainable development,” which the UN calls Agenda 2030.
In 2019, the United Nations signed a “strategic partnership” with WEF, to help “accelerate” Agenda 2030, including its global food rationing targets.4
Reengineering Human Beings
According to REN, the “Planetary Health Diet”—combined with other planned alterations in our eating patterns—will not only weaken and sicken us, but will change our physical form.
We will become smaller, stupider, and biologically incapable of eating meat.
Some of these changes will occur naturally, as we slowly adapt to the “Planetary” diet. Others will involve “biohacking” to rewrite our DNA.
Matthew S. Liao, a Taiwanese-born medical bioethicist with strong ties to the World Economic Forum, calls for an ambitious program of biohacking.
Liao wants to shrink people down, so we’ll consume less energy. He says people should be made as small as possible, though, not “so small we get eaten by cats,” he quips.
Liao also suggests that our DNA should be rewritten to make us allergic to meat. This is already occurring, he says, through alpha gal syndrome, a mysterious new illness spread by the lone star tick, which instills in its victims a severe, life-threatening allergy to red meat.
First discovered in 2001, alpha gal syndrome is spreading rapidly, and may have infected as many as ten million Americans already.5
Who is Raw Egg Nationalist?
If you have not yet heard of Raw Egg Nationalist, you soon will.
REN is British, but focuses his hopes on America, as he believes the US “has a special role to play in defeating the Great Reset.” 6
“[T]he prospect of a return to America First in the Land of the Free is clearly a terrifying one for the globalists,” says REN.7 “Only strong nations, confident and united in their own self-interest, can resist the global game of divide and rule.”8
REN first appeared on social media as an anonymous leader of the Right-Wing Body Builder (RWBB) movement, which seeks to make men fit and healthy, so we can once more take up the hard work of building a good society.
The RWBBs hold that soft living and poor nutrition have made men weak and incompetent. Modern men can no longer serve their natural function as husbands, fathers, providers, and warriors, say the RWBBs.
REN calls it a “crisis of masculinity.”9 Without strong and virile men, the nation will fall.
“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times,” writes G. Michael Hopf in his post-apocalyptic novel Those Who Remain—a quote widely cited by the RWBBs.10
It is a core belief of the movement that hard times are coming. The RWBBs hope to emerge as a new breed of “strong men” who will bring order out of chaos.
Making Men Strong Again
According to REN, corporations are not only weakening and sickening the general population with their toxic products, but they appear to be targeting men, in particular, for a kind of slow-acting chemical castration, filling our food and water with additives known to make men fat, weak, effeminate, and infertile.
To combat this, REN recommends body-building and natural foods, including lots and lots of raw eggs.
He also recommends irradiating your testicles with ultraviolet light, to increase testosterone output, a controversial proposal that REN has promoted on Fox News and in the The End of Men, a 2022 documentary produced by then-Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson.
Media elites have mocked REN for his teachings on masculinity.
But his views are well-founded in science.
Bro Science is Real Science
REN has emerged as a prophet of the so-called “bro science” movement.
“If the bro scientists have a spiritual leader, it would be a man who calls himself Raw Egg Nationalist,” said then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson, in an October 22, 2022 broadcast.11
Critics of “bro science” claim it’s about amateurs trying to “do” science on their own. But that is not true. In reality, bro science is about ordinary people doing what ordinary people have always done—using common sense to decide which scientists seem credible and which ones do not.
REN holds that Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, and Big Food have poisoned our food, water, and medicines, imperiling our lives. He cites many respected experts in support of this position.
More Meat, Better Health
One such expert is Canadian dentist Weston Price (1870-1948), who revolutionized nutritional science with his 1939 book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.
While practicing dentistry in Cleveland, Ohio, Price noticed a sharp decline in the dental and medical health of the children he treated, including crowded teeth, excessive cavities, asthma, allergies, behavioral problems, and even facial distortion caused by a narrowing of the roof of the mouth and nasal passages.
Price suspected that poor nutrition was the cause. He tested his theory by traveling around the world, visiting different ethnic groups known for good health, and finding out what they ate.
His research took him to Africa, Scotland, New Zealand, the Swiss Alps, and other remote lands. Price found a startling correlation between good health and a meat-rich diet.
The healthiest people, he found, were those who lived by hunting, fishing and herding.
“[W]hat the healthiest people favored most of all were nutrient-dense animal foods rich in fat,” writes REN. “That means organ meats and bone marrow, oily fish and their roe, egg yolks and fats like lard and butter. Liver was especially prized, often eaten raw.”
The one thing Price never saw was a community which thrived by eating plant foods alone.
In 1939, he wrote, “It is significant that I have as yet found no group that was building and maintaining good bodies exclusively on plant foods. A number of groups are endeavoring to do so with marked evidence of failure.”12
Control Food, Control People
During Price’s lifetime, the human diet underwent a massive change, as advanced countries became increasingly dependent on industrial food production, heavy on grains and chemical additives. Price witnessed this change firsthand, documenting its deadly effects.
His 1939 book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration was widely read and hugely influential.
Yet, government authorities refused to take action.
This leaves us with a question. If the new, factory-made foods were known to be harmful as early as 1939, why did governments allow the industrialization of food production to continue? Why didn’t they protect their people?
REN suggests the disturbing possibility that many in our governments may not want us to be healthy. He points out that governments have been using deliberate malnourishment to control populations since ancient times.
In The Republic—written around 375 BC—Plato envisions a utopia where citizens would be forbidden to eat meat.
“For food, they will prepare wheat-meal or barley-meal… cakes and loaves,” says Plato’s fictionalized version of Socrates. The common folk would be allowed occasional “luxuries” such as vegetables, cheese, beans and acorns, but not a scrap of meat.13
Why restrict people to such insipid fare? Plato explains that eating meat energizes people, leading to ambition and war. Better to keep the plebs malnourished, docile and obedient.
No Meat for the Slaves
From a medical standpoint, Plato was correct. Meat does indeed energize people. Dr. Weston Price proved that humans are biologically hard-wired to thrive on meat. Without it, we grow sick and weak.
People have always known this instinctively. Yet, for thousands of years, governments have imposed grain-based diets on their people, precisely because this makes them easier to control.
Most of us learned in school that the “agricultural revolution” of the Neolithic Age (aka the New Stone Age) was a great leap forward. But REN suggests otherwise.
“The Neolithic Revolution was in fact the earliest Great Reset,” REN argues, in which “new diets and new forms of social control” undermined freedom and gave power to the elites.14
On this point, REN draws on the expertise of anthropologist James C. Scott and archaeologist Steven Mithen whose books—Against the Grain and After the Ice, respectively—reveal the anguish of man’s fall from a hunter-gatherer paradise to the pain and toil of farm life.15
The earliest farming communities appear to have emerged some 12,000 years ago, in the wetlands of Mesopotamia.
REN says these prehistoric farming settlements were veritable slave labor camps. Few if any chose the farming life voluntarily. Most were forced into it by great landowners, often as captured slaves.16
Reign of the Food Lords
Farming was grueling work, much harder than hunting and herding, and yielding food that was much less nutritious. Its main reward was ill health and early death, says REN.
Deprived of the rich meat diet enjoyed by herders and hunter-gatherers, and eating mostly grains, people grew weak and sick, perishing in mass epidemics caused by crowded conditions, and succumbing to new diseases such as typhus, smallpox, tuberculosis, and bubonic plague.
People even shrank in physical size. “Early agriculturalists can consistently be identified by their skeletons alone… Just like domesticated animals, agricultural man also suffered a process of physical shrinkage,” writes REN.17
The pain of this unnatural existence was reflected in the religious beliefs of the early farmers. In his book After the Ice, archaeologist Steven Mithen describes the horrific artwork that adorns the 9,000-year-old city of Catal Huyuk in southern Turkey, such as a pair of breasts jutting out of a wall, the nipples split open, revealing vulture, fox, and weasel skulls within.
“Motherhood itself is violently defiled,” writes Mithen.18
No Escape
In ancient times, people could escape the slave farms by fleeing to barbarian lands.
That option no longer exists. Today’s new food lords are aligned with powerful transnational organizations like the UN, which exert authority over every country on earth.
There’s nowhere left to run.
Yet there is hope, says REN.
We can take a lesson from the Russians, who have managed to survive wars, famines, and genocidal slaughters, on a scale that most people in most countries cannot imagine.
They accomplished this largely through the traditional Russian practice of home gardening.
Russian Home Gardening
For generations, Russian people have fed themselves largely from small garden plots which they work in their spare time. Even under Communism, the authorities tolerated these private gardens, because, without them, the people would have starved.
Small garden plots are still the main source of Russian food today.
REN notes that 66 percent of Russian households (35 million households) owned small garden plots in 2004, generating 53 percent of the country’s total agricultural output, using only 2.9% of Russia’s total arable land.
America has even greater potential for home gardening, as our growing season is longer than Russia’s, and huge tracts of our most fertile soil are presently being wasted as lawns.
While Russia has 18.8 million acres of household gardens, the USA has 27.6 million acres of lawns, which produce nothing, but still require $30 billion a year in lawn-care supplies and services to maintain them.19
If even a small portion of that lawn acreage were used for food production, Americans would experience a food bonanza that would banish our present concern over empty store shelves and “supply-chain” breakdowns.
Store-Bought Food is Toxic
In addition to giving us independence from global “supply chains,” growing our own food—including animal foods from chickens and goats— also provides us with healthy food, unspoiled by industrial poisons.
According to REN, store-bought food is contaminated with unwholesome ingredients such as seed and vegetable oils that cause heart attacks, obesity, autoimmune disorders, and inflammatory conditions.20
Grains are ill-suited for human consumption, says REN, causing bloating, sluggishness, digestive disorders, and even mental illness.21
Plant-based food is packed with xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens, which mimic the effects of the female sex hormone estrogen, causing men and boys to develop female characteristics.22
Genetically-modified foods have been linked to catastrophic poisonings such as the 1989 Showa Denko tryptophan disaster, which killed hundreds and disabled thousands.23
Raw Egg Nationalism
REN says that, if we take better care of our bodies, our minds and souls will grow strong, enabling us to break the chains imposed by our globalist overlords.
This is the essence of REN’s philosophy of “raw egg nationalism.”
“This new system could be the beginning of a totally new way of life,” he says, “a new path that restores health and dignity to ordinary people, protects the earth, and restores man’s sacred bonds to community and nation.”24
If I have a criticism of REN’s book, it is that he gets a little vague on the exact process by which the new race of body-building supermen will defeat the globalists.
It is hard to imagine how mere physical fitness can prevail over an enemy who has the technological power to rewrite our DNA or eavesdrop on our brains via nano-particles deployed by genetically-modified mosquitoes.
I Believe
Fortunately, Noor Bin Ladin helps bridge the gap with her eight-page Foreword which REN wisely asked her to contribute.
For those who have been hiding in remote bug-out locations in the Rockies for the last three years, Noor is a niece of Osama Bin Laden who stunned the world in September, 2020 by publishing a “Letter to America” declaring herself an America-Firster, notwithstanding her Swiss nationality.
A good friend of REN and a disciple of raw egg nationalism, Noor swallows (or “slonks”) several raw eggs per day.
“We are sick and divided, ready to be conquered,” Noor writes in her Foreword. “But… thanks to REN’s work, many will be awakened to the truth.”
Noor says we will find a “new way of life, a path” which will “nurture cooperation with our fellow man, and cultivate the building of communities around the most essential need that joins us together: food.”25
Of course, Noor is simply reiterating what REN says himself.
But, somehow, when Noor says it, doubts and fears melt away.
Just Do It!
A wise man once said, if a book makes just one point that sticks in your mind, it was worth reading.
REN’s book makes many points that not only stick in my mind, but which I would call life-changing.
Hardly a day goes by when I don’t think of this passage from page 111.
“[P]ay attention to how your diet makes you feel. … If you’re curious about the effects of eating fewer carbs or cutting out grains, or both, just do it! If it makes you feel better, stick with it. If it makes you feel crummy, don’t.”26
REN would have us believe that, from that simple premise, a new civilization may arise.
It is a plan so wondrous, it seems too good to be true.
Remarkably, REN and Noor have made me believe it.
Richard Poe is a New York Times bestselling author and award-winning journalist. He has written fiction and non-fiction, including books on business, science, history and politics, published in 22 languages. Poe co-wrote with David Horowitz The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party. Poe is presently writing a history of globalism. His writings appear at,, and @RealRichardPoe.
For Poe’s exclusive Q&A with Raw Egg Nationalist, author of The Eggs Benedict Option, GO HERE
Tucker Carlson, “The End of Men,” Fox News, October 5, 2022
Raw Egg Nationalist, The Eggs Benedict Option (Montgomery County, Pennsylvania: Antelope Hill Publishing, 2022), p. xii-xiii
REN, EBO (2022), p. 112
REN, EBO (2022), pp 22
REN, EBO (2022), pp 82-84
REN, EBO (2022), pp 37
REN, EBO (2022), pp 37
REN, EBO (2022), pp 34
Tucker Carlson, Interview with Raw Egg Nationalist, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Fox News, October 10, 2022 (at 3:39 minute mark)
G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain: A Post-Apocalyptic Novel, Book 7 of the New World Series (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform: 2016)
Tucker Carlson, Interview with Raw Egg Nationalist, “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Fox News, October 22, 2022
Weston Price, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, p276, cited in Raw Egg Nationalist, The Eggs Benedict Option (2022), p. 119
Plato, The Republic, 59-61, cited in REN, EBO (2022), pp 1-3
REN, EBO (2022), pp 50
REN, EBO (2022), pp 50-70
REN, EBO (2022), pp 47
REN, EBO (2022), pp 55
REN, EBO (2022), pp 59-60
REN, EBO (2022), p. 189
REN, EBO (2022), pp 133-136
REN, EBO (2022), pp 109-110
REN, EBO (2022), pp 137
REN, EBO (2022), pp 143, 156
REN, EBO (2022), pp 173
REN, EBO (2022), p xvi
REN, EBO (2022), pp 111
Debunking the overpopulation myth:
Assume Global Population of 10 Billion People.
Texas is about 269,000 square miles, which is 7,499,289,600,000 square feet
Divide 7,499,289,600,000 square feet by 10 Billion People equals 749.92896 square feet per person.
A population of 10 Billion People could fit inside an area the size of Texas, and each person would have a space of 750 square feet all to themselves.
An enjoyable read thanks. Notice how the jabs were made mandatory for many of the strongest and fittest and mainly men; for example the military, police, fire crews etc ?.
If I missed it, apologies; but you could also the globalist parasitical scum wanting to also get rid of dairy products (to reduce our size) and you will be surprised how many people (women mostly, but the "woke" men as well) are drinking this Soya, Coconut or other nonsense ... even I am guilty as I only drink semi-skimmed milk now and .... half of my family were dairy farmers; who would turn in the graves if they knew.