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This was brilliant, a Rosetta Stone for understanding British capture of the USA. There were Zionist British elements as well at play, as a subset of the subversion effort by the British:

The Rothschild Roots of the Ku Klux Klan


This Anglo-Zionist alignment is maintained to this day, raising multiple cans of worms-

The theft of US nuclear material and the suspected link to the assassination of JFK

Project for a New American Century, 9/11, Urban Moving Systems, dancing Israelis, and follow up neocon warmongering against Israel’s enemies

Ukraine Asimov Battalion and Zelensky sponsored by Zionist Ukrainian oligarch, British as lead instigator.

Anti-Russian sentiment, sanctions, NordStream 2 blown up yet Ukraine transit gas still ok.

Anti-Trump sentiment and legal attacks, stolen election

J6, FBI & ADL & white supremacy narrative

George Soros, British agent, saw your article, yes.

Now Israeli war replacing failed Ukraine war

Nearly everything significant has this British Anglo-Zionist root, so much to expand on, variations on a theme.

Your work is absolutely key to cracking the real geopolitical game, thank you.

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