You propose a British ruling class elite who are running the world, yet fail to identify who they actually are. So your theory relies on the existence of an incredibly mercurial and Machiavellian group of individuals... who you utterly can't identify, except by the phrase "the British." This can only convince someone who has a need to believe it's true, not someone who has a rational intellect.
If you want to convince anyone rational, you can't just say "the British," and end it there. You need to actually name names or the whole thing is meaningless.
The British Imperialist Fascist Oligarchy also were proponents of fascism (governance through corporations), and the UN-WEF alliance is the current iteration of Corporatist Fascism that originated as the Dutch/British East India Company.
The Bank for International Fascism
by John Hoefle
In the aftermath of World War I, fascist movements sprang up all over Europe, and also in the United States. Considerable effort has been spent to portray these fascist movements as outgrowths of rampant nationalism, but that is a deliberate lie. The truth is that fascism is a political movement created and financed by the rentier/financier oligarchs of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal Empire, for the purpose of replacing the nation-state system with a global technocratic dictatorship.
Adam LeBor’s Tower of Basel sheds a useful light on how this process works, by telling the story of the Bank for International Settlements, known more commonly by its acronym, BIS.
His book presents a detailed picture of the relationships between the Nazis and top international financiers, and the intelligence agencies. Along the way, we meet the leaders of the Bank of England, the titans of Wall Street, British and American spooks, and other financiers and industrialists, all of whom collectively made Hitler and Mussolini possible, and unleashed horror upon the world.
Some readers may be puzzled why such seemingly respectable institutions and individuals would work so closely with the Hitler regime, and wonder if they were somehow secret Nazis or Nazi sympathizers. But it is actually the inverse that is true. The Nazis were agents of the Empire!
A Bank Above Nations
The BIS was founded in 1930, nominally for the purpose of handling the reparations payments imposed upon Germany after World War I. The founding members of the bank were the central banks of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Belgium, with Japan and the United States each represented by a consortium of domestic banks. In the U.S., the consortium consisted of three banks: J.P. Morgan & Co., the First National Bank of New York, and the First National Bank of Chicago.1
The driving forces behind the founding were Montagu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England, and Hjalmar Schacht, the head of the German central bank, the Reichsbank. While Schacht liked to refer to the BIS as “my bank,” the Dutch banker Johan Willem Beyen—himself a president of the BIS—put it more clearly: “Norman’s prestige was overwhelming. As the apostle of central bank cooperation, he made the central banker into a kind of arch-priest of monetary religion.
The BIS was, in fact, his creation.”
Beyen’s quote goes to the deeper motive behind the founding of the BIS, the creation of the bank as a base from which to create a new form of what was euphemistically called “transnational finance.” The arch-priests of the Empire were laying the foundation for what became the globalized financial system of today, a system of financier-run corporate cartels and markets which is essentially a rerun of the methods of the British East India Company, combined with modern technology……
You propose a British ruling class elite who are running the world, yet fail to identify who they actually are. So your theory relies on the existence of an incredibly mercurial and Machiavellian group of individuals... who you utterly can't identify, except by the phrase "the British." This can only convince someone who has a need to believe it's true, not someone who has a rational intellect.
If you want to convince anyone rational, you can't just say "the British," and end it there. You need to actually name names or the whole thing is meaningless.
The British Imperialist Fascist Oligarchy also were proponents of fascism (governance through corporations), and the UN-WEF alliance is the current iteration of Corporatist Fascism that originated as the Dutch/British East India Company.
The Bank for International Fascism
by John Hoefle
In the aftermath of World War I, fascist movements sprang up all over Europe, and also in the United States. Considerable effort has been spent to portray these fascist movements as outgrowths of rampant nationalism, but that is a deliberate lie. The truth is that fascism is a political movement created and financed by the rentier/financier oligarchs of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal Empire, for the purpose of replacing the nation-state system with a global technocratic dictatorship.
Adam LeBor’s Tower of Basel sheds a useful light on how this process works, by telling the story of the Bank for International Settlements, known more commonly by its acronym, BIS.
His book presents a detailed picture of the relationships between the Nazis and top international financiers, and the intelligence agencies. Along the way, we meet the leaders of the Bank of England, the titans of Wall Street, British and American spooks, and other financiers and industrialists, all of whom collectively made Hitler and Mussolini possible, and unleashed horror upon the world.
Some readers may be puzzled why such seemingly respectable institutions and individuals would work so closely with the Hitler regime, and wonder if they were somehow secret Nazis or Nazi sympathizers. But it is actually the inverse that is true. The Nazis were agents of the Empire!
A Bank Above Nations
The BIS was founded in 1930, nominally for the purpose of handling the reparations payments imposed upon Germany after World War I. The founding members of the bank were the central banks of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Belgium, with Japan and the United States each represented by a consortium of domestic banks. In the U.S., the consortium consisted of three banks: J.P. Morgan & Co., the First National Bank of New York, and the First National Bank of Chicago.1
The driving forces behind the founding were Montagu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England, and Hjalmar Schacht, the head of the German central bank, the Reichsbank. While Schacht liked to refer to the BIS as “my bank,” the Dutch banker Johan Willem Beyen—himself a president of the BIS—put it more clearly: “Norman’s prestige was overwhelming. As the apostle of central bank cooperation, he made the central banker into a kind of arch-priest of monetary religion.
The BIS was, in fact, his creation.”
Beyen’s quote goes to the deeper motive behind the founding of the BIS, the creation of the bank as a base from which to create a new form of what was euphemistically called “transnational finance.” The arch-priests of the Empire were laying the foundation for what became the globalized financial system of today, a system of financier-run corporate cartels and markets which is essentially a rerun of the methods of the British East India Company, combined with modern technology……