The British Imperialist Fascist Oligarchy also were proponents of fascism (governance through corporations), and the UN-WEF alliance is the current iteration of Corporatist Fascism that originated as the Dutch/British East India Company.
The Bank for International Fascism
by John Hoefle
In the aftermath of World War I, fascist movements sprang up all over Europe, and also in the United States. Considerable effort has been spent to portray these fascist movements as outgrowths of rampant nationalism, but that is a deliberate lie. The truth is that fascism is a political movement created and financed by the rentier/financier oligarchs of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal Empire, for the purpose of replacing the nation-state system with a global technocratic dictatorship.
Adam LeBor’s Tower of Basel sheds a useful light on how this process works, by telling the story of the Bank for International Settlements, known more commonly by its acronym, BIS.
His book presents a detailed picture of the relationships between the Nazis and top international financiers, and the intelligence agencies. Along the way, we meet the leaders of the Bank of England, the titans of Wall Street, British and American spooks, and other financiers and industrialists, all of whom collectively made Hitler and Mussolini possible, and unleashed horror upon the world.
Some readers may be puzzled why such seemingly respectable institutions and individuals would work so closely with the Hitler regime, and wonder if they were somehow secret Nazis or Nazi sympathizers. But it is actually the inverse that is true. The Nazis were agents of the Empire!
A Bank Above Nations
The BIS was founded in 1930, nominally for the purpose of handling the reparations payments imposed upon Germany after World War I. The founding members of the bank were the central banks of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Belgium, with Japan and the United States each represented by a consortium of domestic banks. In the U.S., the consortium consisted of three banks: J.P. Morgan & Co., the First National Bank of New York, and the First National Bank of Chicago.1
The driving forces behind the founding were Montagu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England, and Hjalmar Schacht, the head of the German central bank, the Reichsbank. While Schacht liked to refer to the BIS as “my bank,” the Dutch banker Johan Willem Beyen—himself a president of the BIS—put it more clearly: “Norman’s prestige was overwhelming. As the apostle of central bank cooperation, he made the central banker into a kind of arch-priest of monetary religion.
The BIS was, in fact, his creation.”
Beyen’s quote goes to the deeper motive behind the founding of the BIS, the creation of the bank as a base from which to create a new form of what was euphemistically called “transnational finance.” The arch-priests of the Empire were laying the foundation for what became the globalized financial system of today, a system of financier-run corporate cartels and markets which is essentially a rerun of the methods of the British East India Company, combined with modern technology……
Then the question becomes, “Why did the British Imperialist Oligarchy infiltrate Russia with Communism and Germany with Fascism?”
The obvious answer was to create a conflict of ideologies to be used to justify war between Russia and Germany with the intent of destroying both nations so that they would no longer be an existential threat to the domination of the British Empire.
You propose a British ruling class elite who are running the world, yet fail to identify who they actually are. So your theory relies on the existence of an incredibly mercurial and Machiavellian group of individuals... who you utterly can't identify, except by the phrase "the British." This can only convince someone who has a need to believe it's true, not someone who has a rational intellect.
If you want to convince anyone rational, you can't just say "the British," and end it there. You need to actually name names or the whole thing is meaningless.
Your argument applies to every article written by Richard Poe, Matthew Ehret, Anton Chaitkin, etc.
The British Oligarchy are King Charles III, the Royals, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), the House of Lords, the Bank of England, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
Because of Venice Constantinople was done after 1204. They did use the crusade to bring Constantinople to his knies and so they were the man in town from then on. After their neighbors later destroyed them, they went to Amsterdam. Created a central bank and then they came to England with the power of the dutch. Created a central bank there also and took over England. Then USA and then russia and here we are. Central banks is how they take over countries. Is all in history. The crown are still a face and puppets for them. Some references to back this up:
Look, the EU, UK and US democrats are visibly in an utter mess and incapable of getting their shit together. Your fantasy of some all powerful conspiracy is utter bollocks. Was your dad very controlling, by any chance?
And do not bother me again without this closeminded 🐑 thinking. If you are on these blogs, that see it clearly like it is when following their deeds, and you still do not get it… then I am very sorry for you. Do some open unbiased research or let this over to the grownups. Good luck
You do not think nor research anything and you think you know? You are fooling yourself bigtime bc that’s exactly what they want you to think! If you think the politicians are the power then I don’t know what you are doing here? Get back on twitter believing elon is the good one. They are all muppets and I can prove this with hundreds of facts. You have none then your own narratives. Learn first how it works or keep fooling yourself.
To me, you are simply retro fitting some fantasy of an all powerful top down hierarchy by focusing on only certain pieces of evidence. The fact that the British Establishment is full of manipulators with agendas does not mean they have total power over the globe. They have been visibly split and in fighting on heaps of issues, esp the EU. People try to achieve global dominion. İt doesn't always go that way. Would you say for example that Trump is a UK establishment plant?
So... if the British are so all-powerful, how come he's in power? Because, if you look at the US election in Nov, it was a total fuck-up by the Dems. Biden was senile. Harris took over and was already defeated, as everyone knew. Strikes me that an all-powerful cabal running the planet might have put in someone who could have beaten Trump. Am I wrong?
They did in 2020 by rigging and stealing the 2020 election and putting their puppet Biden in the White House. Biden did everything he could to try to destroy the USA over his four-year term in office. During those four long years Trump and his supporters figured-out how to make the 2024 Election “Too Big To Rig” and it helped that Biden’s mental capacity eroded away and his dipshit VP Kamala was totally inept, which the citizens very easily were able to discern.
So this all-powerful group of elite Brits, who've supposedly been running the planet since the 12th century, who blew up the WTC and fixed 2020, couldn't manage to field a better candidate than Biden or Harris? Come on! You can't believe this. It's patent nonsense.
Listen, for sure there are power elites who try to take over the world. But there is no all-powerful one group. They in-fight and battle with each other all the time. If you'd actually followed the UK establishment for a few years, you'd see this plain apparent. It's a chaotic mess.
Wasn't aware of your history inspiring Glenn Beck's awakening, fascinating stuff, the interviewer didn't seem deeply savvy and the Sykes Pico agreement which allowed the French to do their thing in Lebanon wasn't mentioned.
There's nothing colonial about Jews returning to their homeland, in fact it's the first that I'm aware of case of indigenous people returning and overthrowing the colonialists who were the British.
I've heard but have not verified that half of today's Nations did not exist before 1948 when the CIA was formed and I don't think CIA has oversight from England.
Confessions of an economic Hitman was my first hint of the bank of international settlements which correlates with the Swift banking system which still has not sanctioned the houthis shooting missiles and thwarting international trade and taking away Egypt's only source of income as the Suez sits fallow.
In 56 the British recruited the French and Israelis to overthrow Nasser and regain British oil profits again in Egypt. When Eisenhower found out about it he threatened to crash the British pound.
The Israelis were smart enough to insist on a written agreement and when the British through the French and Israelis under the bus they had documentation of the perfidy of the British. Britain left israeli troops stranded in Sinai after doing what the deal called for, stranded by the British could be a theme show.
Huge context Gap, the British were running Palestine as part of the Palestinian mandate which promised a Homeland for the jews, 78% of that mandate was given away unilaterally by the British to the hashemites from Saudi Arabia for the made-up country of Jordan. In 1970 the PLO acted like the garbage that they are and deservedly had 30,000 of their own killed by the hashemite King of the country of Jordan which is majority phallustinian.
Interestingly the PLO flag is evocative if not a copy of the flag of hijaz.
The phallustinians are the most despised of the Arabs and are not given equal rights in any of the countries that they reside in and are kept as permanent refugees under Syrian and Lebanese rules and were kicked out of Kuwait. That same PLO entity receives hundreds of millions of dollars in American foreign aid and has not been held responsible for its funding of terrorism and the pay for killing Jews program that is ongoing. That same PLO killed hundreds of Christians in Syria and Lebanon and started the Lebanese civil war.
The PLO is driven out to Tunisia and Israel was forced under the Madrid accords to talk to them after being promised by Bush that that would never happen
John loftus wrote a book called The secret war against the Jews showing the backstabbing nefarious actions taken by the United States.
Natasha Hausdorff has clarified every inch of Israel is Israel's. The San Remo agreements gave legitimacy to the idea of a Jewish homeland and was signed and agreed to by every nation state that was relevant at the time at thus making it a permanent obligatory treaty yet it is ignored.
USA and Israel are colonies of Great Britain. Now who and what is the history behind the Crown… Venice is a good start with the black nobility aka black skinned jews. Good to take in:
Here we learn that Dr Rasa is not making things up! He is a historian and a coin collector. He has coins that go back 5000 years, and therefore he is in the right position to connect real dots bc he has the coins in his hands. And he also has coins from the Khazarian period, so anyone who says they did not exist is 100% wrong here.
Also, anyone can look at these coins in his forthcoming new book and he is even making a museum of all his coins. Coins are perfect for connecting historical dots. He did not mention this here
So he studies archaeology, has a lot of coins from a lot of periods, and if people like Rurik also think Kahzarian is a myth, then set up an interview together so we can all be on the same side here.
There is also something about Venice that they keep out of the historical record, and there is good evidence that these black-skinned Jews were the Sea People. I have seen an MSM docu and it is true that in MSM they do not say bc of not knowing who they were, but there is good proof out there so they are lying 100%.
Dr Rasa is really one of a kind and Weezy writes a lot of stuff down when he listens to Dr Rasa and he has not found any errors, but he has instead acknowledged the truth bombs we get trough Dr Rasa.
Just putting this out here for people who keep an open & unbiased mind, because without that and of course your own research, people are not doing honest real research. They are just proving their own closed biased theories and that is living with tunnel vision = not doing real research.
*Importance of the coins that Dr. Rasa also has and the connections that can be made with them:
Dr. Rasaviharri seems to be in right tracks. The "Peleset" are mentioned Ramesses III era texts as among Sea Peoples. They may refer to Philistines who apparently came from Hellas. The Egyptians say the Sea Peoples were an alliance. I recall the Hitites had been waging war in Western Anatolia, and as Lukka are among the Sea Peoples, it may well be that they recruited these other peoples to strike against the Hitites, and then against the Egyptians as well.
Peoples of course changed their names during millenias many times. Sometimes because new people arrived or conquered, or another language was adobted or language changed, another dynasty rose in power or because their neighbors used other name which became more popular. Just look at Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Persia...
I've for long known that Hyksos came from somewhere Syria-Palestine region. And when Egyptians drive them away, they escaped back to this region. Hebrew is one of the Canaanite languages, and of course the story of coming from Egypt is found in the Old Testament, but like old stories have a tendency, it changed quite a deal. 👉
For much of their history the Phoenician cities had flourished in the service of larger empires, including Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, and Persia. It was Alexander the Great in the fourth century B.C. who ultimately undid them, when he sacked Tyre in 332 B.C. Phoenicia was subjected to strict Macedonian rule for the next 270 years, and by the end of the first century B.C. it had become so hellenized that Plutarch referred to its inhabitants as Hellenes.
Sean h r o s s has a channel on Rumble called 2A militia and he seems to prove that the Swiss octagon is in charge and it's logo can be transformed into swastikas and the NATO logo
Look up NATO headquarters if you haven't yet and the Beirut fortress embassy sits on 40 acres and has 15,000 employees yet couldn't achieve locating or capturing a single wanted Hezbollah for 30 years despite $2 million in reward money, I'm awaiting the awarding of that award money to Israel for accomplishing what America's alphabet agencies and military could not yet they did in in minutes despite constant American haranguing and attempts to thwart the inevitable victory that is needed to put the Islamic jihad in check if not in the grave.
So in the end free men and women sustain subjugation grudgingly but in compliance with Technique. Even after vaccination deaths and injuries the State is allowed to exhort all to suffer and die!
The British Imperialist Fascist Oligarchy also were proponents of fascism (governance through corporations), and the UN-WEF alliance is the current iteration of Corporatist Fascism that originated as the Dutch/British East India Company.
The Bank for International Fascism
by John Hoefle
In the aftermath of World War I, fascist movements sprang up all over Europe, and also in the United States. Considerable effort has been spent to portray these fascist movements as outgrowths of rampant nationalism, but that is a deliberate lie. The truth is that fascism is a political movement created and financed by the rentier/financier oligarchs of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal Empire, for the purpose of replacing the nation-state system with a global technocratic dictatorship.
Adam LeBor’s Tower of Basel sheds a useful light on how this process works, by telling the story of the Bank for International Settlements, known more commonly by its acronym, BIS.
His book presents a detailed picture of the relationships between the Nazis and top international financiers, and the intelligence agencies. Along the way, we meet the leaders of the Bank of England, the titans of Wall Street, British and American spooks, and other financiers and industrialists, all of whom collectively made Hitler and Mussolini possible, and unleashed horror upon the world.
Some readers may be puzzled why such seemingly respectable institutions and individuals would work so closely with the Hitler regime, and wonder if they were somehow secret Nazis or Nazi sympathizers. But it is actually the inverse that is true. The Nazis were agents of the Empire!
A Bank Above Nations
The BIS was founded in 1930, nominally for the purpose of handling the reparations payments imposed upon Germany after World War I. The founding members of the bank were the central banks of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Belgium, with Japan and the United States each represented by a consortium of domestic banks. In the U.S., the consortium consisted of three banks: J.P. Morgan & Co., the First National Bank of New York, and the First National Bank of Chicago.1
The driving forces behind the founding were Montagu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England, and Hjalmar Schacht, the head of the German central bank, the Reichsbank. While Schacht liked to refer to the BIS as “my bank,” the Dutch banker Johan Willem Beyen—himself a president of the BIS—put it more clearly: “Norman’s prestige was overwhelming. As the apostle of central bank cooperation, he made the central banker into a kind of arch-priest of monetary religion.
The BIS was, in fact, his creation.”
Beyen’s quote goes to the deeper motive behind the founding of the BIS, the creation of the bank as a base from which to create a new form of what was euphemistically called “transnational finance.” The arch-priests of the Empire were laying the foundation for what became the globalized financial system of today, a system of financier-run corporate cartels and markets which is essentially a rerun of the methods of the British East India Company, combined with modern technology……
Then the question becomes, “Why did the British Imperialist Oligarchy infiltrate Russia with Communism and Germany with Fascism?”
The obvious answer was to create a conflict of ideologies to be used to justify war between Russia and Germany with the intent of destroying both nations so that they would no longer be an existential threat to the domination of the British Empire.
Divide and conquer
Pirates still.
You propose a British ruling class elite who are running the world, yet fail to identify who they actually are. So your theory relies on the existence of an incredibly mercurial and Machiavellian group of individuals... who you utterly can't identify, except by the phrase "the British." This can only convince someone who has a need to believe it's true, not someone who has a rational intellect.
If you want to convince anyone rational, you can't just say "the British," and end it there. You need to actually name names or the whole thing is meaningless.
Your argument applies to every article written by Richard Poe, Matthew Ehret, Anton Chaitkin, etc.
The British Oligarchy are King Charles III, the Royals, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), the House of Lords, the Bank of England, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
Ehret still believes in Russian Chinese fairy tales…
Who is behind this British oligarchy:
History of The Khazarian Mafia
History of The Phoenician Civilization
Because of Venice Constantinople was done after 1204. They did use the crusade to bring Constantinople to his knies and so they were the man in town from then on. After their neighbors later destroyed them, they went to Amsterdam. Created a central bank and then they came to England with the power of the dutch. Created a central bank there also and took over England. Then USA and then russia and here we are. Central banks is how they take over countries. Is all in history. The crown are still a face and puppets for them. Some references to back this up:
Peter duke his blog explains this also and he too:
Look, the EU, UK and US democrats are visibly in an utter mess and incapable of getting their shit together. Your fantasy of some all powerful conspiracy is utter bollocks. Was your dad very controlling, by any chance?
And do not bother me again without this closeminded 🐑 thinking. If you are on these blogs, that see it clearly like it is when following their deeds, and you still do not get it… then I am very sorry for you. Do some open unbiased research or let this over to the grownups. Good luck
We are getting hoodwinked big time!
Follow the facts & their deeds, not their words 🥂
Sharing is Caring ❤️
You do not think nor research anything and you think you know? You are fooling yourself bigtime bc that’s exactly what they want you to think! If you think the politicians are the power then I don’t know what you are doing here? Get back on twitter believing elon is the good one. They are all muppets and I can prove this with hundreds of facts. You have none then your own narratives. Learn first how it works or keep fooling yourself.
Start reading this… one of the real best journalists we have
Just the real facts we all need to learn right now 👍
The world is a stage🙄
To me, you are simply retro fitting some fantasy of an all powerful top down hierarchy by focusing on only certain pieces of evidence. The fact that the British Establishment is full of manipulators with agendas does not mean they have total power over the globe. They have been visibly split and in fighting on heaps of issues, esp the EU. People try to achieve global dominion. İt doesn't always go that way. Would you say for example that Trump is a UK establishment plant?
No, President Trump is not a UK puppet.
If he was, then he would be sending more US tax dollars to Ukraine, which he is not doing.
So... if the British are so all-powerful, how come he's in power? Because, if you look at the US election in Nov, it was a total fuck-up by the Dems. Biden was senile. Harris took over and was already defeated, as everyone knew. Strikes me that an all-powerful cabal running the planet might have put in someone who could have beaten Trump. Am I wrong?
They did in 2020 by rigging and stealing the 2020 election and putting their puppet Biden in the White House. Biden did everything he could to try to destroy the USA over his four-year term in office. During those four long years Trump and his supporters figured-out how to make the 2024 Election “Too Big To Rig” and it helped that Biden’s mental capacity eroded away and his dipshit VP Kamala was totally inept, which the citizens very easily were able to discern.
So this all-powerful group of elite Brits, who've supposedly been running the planet since the 12th century, who blew up the WTC and fixed 2020, couldn't manage to field a better candidate than Biden or Harris? Come on! You can't believe this. It's patent nonsense.
Listen, for sure there are power elites who try to take over the world. But there is no all-powerful one group. They in-fight and battle with each other all the time. If you'd actually followed the UK establishment for a few years, you'd see this plain apparent. It's a chaotic mess.
Cecil J. Rhodes:
How Cecil Rhodes Fathered the Modern Globalist Movement: a Timeline
Sir Andrew Carnegie & Cecil J. Rhodes
Planners of Internationalism
The British Imperial Press Conference (1909):
The 24-step Pilgrims Society Corporatist Imperial Federation Strategy to Return America to British Rule
Congressional Record:
Steps Toward British Union
The Origins of the Deep State in North America Part I: The Round Table Movement
Lord Mark Mallock Brown:
Here they are:
History of The Khazarian Mafia
History of The Phoenician Civilization
thank you
For people thinking that they are stupid that they cannot pull it of. Start learning this:
Wasn't aware of your history inspiring Glenn Beck's awakening, fascinating stuff, the interviewer didn't seem deeply savvy and the Sykes Pico agreement which allowed the French to do their thing in Lebanon wasn't mentioned.
There's nothing colonial about Jews returning to their homeland, in fact it's the first that I'm aware of case of indigenous people returning and overthrowing the colonialists who were the British.
I've heard but have not verified that half of today's Nations did not exist before 1948 when the CIA was formed and I don't think CIA has oversight from England.
Confessions of an economic Hitman was my first hint of the bank of international settlements which correlates with the Swift banking system which still has not sanctioned the houthis shooting missiles and thwarting international trade and taking away Egypt's only source of income as the Suez sits fallow.
In 56 the British recruited the French and Israelis to overthrow Nasser and regain British oil profits again in Egypt. When Eisenhower found out about it he threatened to crash the British pound.
The Israelis were smart enough to insist on a written agreement and when the British through the French and Israelis under the bus they had documentation of the perfidy of the British. Britain left israeli troops stranded in Sinai after doing what the deal called for, stranded by the British could be a theme show.
Huge context Gap, the British were running Palestine as part of the Palestinian mandate which promised a Homeland for the jews, 78% of that mandate was given away unilaterally by the British to the hashemites from Saudi Arabia for the made-up country of Jordan. In 1970 the PLO acted like the garbage that they are and deservedly had 30,000 of their own killed by the hashemite King of the country of Jordan which is majority phallustinian.
Interestingly the PLO flag is evocative if not a copy of the flag of hijaz.
The phallustinians are the most despised of the Arabs and are not given equal rights in any of the countries that they reside in and are kept as permanent refugees under Syrian and Lebanese rules and were kicked out of Kuwait. That same PLO entity receives hundreds of millions of dollars in American foreign aid and has not been held responsible for its funding of terrorism and the pay for killing Jews program that is ongoing. That same PLO killed hundreds of Christians in Syria and Lebanon and started the Lebanese civil war.
The PLO is driven out to Tunisia and Israel was forced under the Madrid accords to talk to them after being promised by Bush that that would never happen
John loftus wrote a book called The secret war against the Jews showing the backstabbing nefarious actions taken by the United States.
Natasha Hausdorff has clarified every inch of Israel is Israel's. The San Remo agreements gave legitimacy to the idea of a Jewish homeland and was signed and agreed to by every nation state that was relevant at the time at thus making it a permanent obligatory treaty yet it is ignored.
USA and Israel are colonies of Great Britain. Now who and what is the history behind the Crown… Venice is a good start with the black nobility aka black skinned jews. Good to take in:
History of The Khazarian Mafia
History of The Phoenician Civilization
Here we learn that Dr Rasa is not making things up! He is a historian and a coin collector. He has coins that go back 5000 years, and therefore he is in the right position to connect real dots bc he has the coins in his hands. And he also has coins from the Khazarian period, so anyone who says they did not exist is 100% wrong here.
Also, anyone can look at these coins in his forthcoming new book and he is even making a museum of all his coins. Coins are perfect for connecting historical dots. He did not mention this here
So he studies archaeology, has a lot of coins from a lot of periods, and if people like Rurik also think Kahzarian is a myth, then set up an interview together so we can all be on the same side here.
There is also something about Venice that they keep out of the historical record, and there is good evidence that these black-skinned Jews were the Sea People. I have seen an MSM docu and it is true that in MSM they do not say bc of not knowing who they were, but there is good proof out there so they are lying 100%.
Dr Rasa is really one of a kind and Weezy writes a lot of stuff down when he listens to Dr Rasa and he has not found any errors, but he has instead acknowledged the truth bombs we get trough Dr Rasa.
Just putting this out here for people who keep an open & unbiased mind, because without that and of course your own research, people are not doing honest real research. They are just proving their own closed biased theories and that is living with tunnel vision = not doing real research.
*Importance of the coins that Dr. Rasa also has and the connections that can be made with them:
Dr. Rasaviharri seems to be in right tracks. The "Peleset" are mentioned Ramesses III era texts as among Sea Peoples. They may refer to Philistines who apparently came from Hellas. The Egyptians say the Sea Peoples were an alliance. I recall the Hitites had been waging war in Western Anatolia, and as Lukka are among the Sea Peoples, it may well be that they recruited these other peoples to strike against the Hitites, and then against the Egyptians as well.
Peoples of course changed their names during millenias many times. Sometimes because new people arrived or conquered, or another language was adobted or language changed, another dynasty rose in power or because their neighbors used other name which became more popular. Just look at Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Persia...
I've for long known that Hyksos came from somewhere Syria-Palestine region. And when Egyptians drive them away, they escaped back to this region. Hebrew is one of the Canaanite languages, and of course the story of coming from Egypt is found in the Old Testament, but like old stories have a tendency, it changed quite a deal. 👉
For much of their history the Phoenician cities had flourished in the service of larger empires, including Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, and Persia. It was Alexander the Great in the fourth century B.C. who ultimately undid them, when he sacked Tyre in 332 B.C. Phoenicia was subjected to strict Macedonian rule for the next 270 years, and by the end of the first century B.C. it had become so hellenized that Plutarch referred to its inhabitants as Hellenes.
Sean h r o s s has a channel on Rumble called 2A militia and he seems to prove that the Swiss octagon is in charge and it's logo can be transformed into swastikas and the NATO logo
Look up NATO headquarters if you haven't yet and the Beirut fortress embassy sits on 40 acres and has 15,000 employees yet couldn't achieve locating or capturing a single wanted Hezbollah for 30 years despite $2 million in reward money, I'm awaiting the awarding of that award money to Israel for accomplishing what America's alphabet agencies and military could not yet they did in in minutes despite constant American haranguing and attempts to thwart the inevitable victory that is needed to put the Islamic jihad in check if not in the grave.
So in the end free men and women sustain subjugation grudgingly but in compliance with Technique. Even after vaccination deaths and injuries the State is allowed to exhort all to suffer and die!